MON POU.... is an independent blog type thing. it's comprised of music and art by brian & t.r. lang. this site is sort of the central hub for all the rest of the blogs, facebooks, tumblr's, etc we do. the site sections are divided between, "MUSIC," and, "PEOPLE."  in the MUSIC section you will find links to our various musical projects over the years. each individual band page is a central hub for everything dealing with the band. to download an album click on the album picture. this can usually be accessed by clicking the "hear," or "listen," link. our music is available for free download. we use mediafire right now. so, if you're new to mediafire... click the green download button and nothing else, exit all pop-ups by clicking the, "X," for PC in the top right corner of your window (it's red), on a mac it's in the top left (it's also red).

in the PEOPLE section you will find the central hub to discover t.r. or brian's work. this is always subject to change (as we update regularly), and more people might be added in the future. so it's always a good idea to check back. in addition you'll find pod-casts here, along with personal work, and other links pertaining to each individual person.

in all sections you'll find donate links. essentially it all goes to the same place, since we're two brothers making music. we encourage donations of any amount. it's literally how we sustain our music, and equipment, and performance costs.

if you've come here... chances are you like what we do. our artists and musicians completely support their work out of pocket
and with love... the love of sharing our wild and wacky sounds, images, videos and thoughts with you and with the world!

we really, really appreciate your interest and ask for your patronage to keep going.


please touch our monkey. you will be directed to our secure paypal page.

once there please enter in whatever donation amount you wish to give.

if you'd like to contribute something else...

your own music, clothes, instruments, food, car rides, weed, booze, samples, advice, your thoughts, booking, or anything else please do!

this can be achieved by messaging us @...

donating to an individual artist at monsieur poubelle?
please refer to their page's bio section.

thanks and enjoy
click here to donate